정치 퀴즈를 시도

20 답변


If you could create one job to improve your community, what would it be and why?


How important is it for leaders to be held accountable, and can you think of a time when this impacted you or your community?


What does 'social justice' mean to you, and can you share a personal story or observation related to this concept?


In what ways do you think young people can contribute to economic growth in your community?


How does the quality of healthcare and education affect a country's future, based on what you've observed or experienced?


What role does equality play in a fair society, and have you ever encountered a situation that challenged your views on equality?


Why is transparency in government important, and can you think of an instance where more transparency could have made a difference in your community?


What change would make education truly valuable in your life?


How would a government free of corruption impact your daily life and future opportunities?


Imagine a day without any social services (health, education, etc.); how would that affect you or your family?


How do you think a government committed to fighting corruption could change opportunities for young people like yourself?


In your opinion, what is the most important issue the government should address to improve communities like yours?


If you were in charge of creating policies to support small businesses, what would be your first priority and why?


How would having better access to education and healthcare change the lives of people in your community?


What does democracy mean to you, and how do you think it could be made stronger in modern society?


Do you think job opportunities or education is the biggest challenge young people face today, and why?


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정부의 투명성이 공정한 사회를 유지하는 데 얼마나 중요한지 어떻게 생각하십니까? 그것이 왜 중요한지 궁금합니다?


당신은 지금 남아프리카에서 평등과 공정성과 같은 원칙이 지켜지고 있다고 생각하십니까? 어떻게 변화를 원하시나요?


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