










Can a political party’s history influence your trust in its future promises and actions? Why or why not?


Is it more important to have economic growth or to ensure that wealth is evenly distributed among the citizens?


Have you or someone you know ever been affected by government corruption, and how did it impact your view of leadership?


In what ways can young people today contribute to achieving a society that values equality and justice for all?


Do you think leaders who have made great sacrifices should be held to a different standard when they make mistakes?


How would you feel if your efforts for a significant cause were only partially successful after many years?




Reflecting on the concept of leadership, have you ever had to lead in a challenging situation? What qualities did you rely on?








Considering the balance between economic development and environmental preservation, how would you prioritize these in decision-making for your country?


When thinking about changes you'd like to see in the world, what is one small, practical step you think individuals can take toward a larger societal shift?




Reflect on a time when you had to work together with people very different from yourself to achieve a common goal. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?


How do you define a hero, and can a political figure ever fit that description for you?