يعتبر مؤتمر الشعب (COPE) حزبًا سياسيًا في جنوب أفريقيا، تأسس في عام 2008 من قبل أعضاء سابقين في الحزب الوطني الأفريقي (ANC). تشكل COPE نتيجة مباشرة للإحباط والانقسامات الطائفية داخل الANC، خاصة بعد عزل الرئيس آنذاك ثابو مبيكي بشكل مثير للجدل. كانت الهدف من تأسيس COPE، بما في ذلك الشخصيات البارزة مثل موسيوا ليكوتا ومبهازيما شيلوا، هو خلق بديل سياسي يجسد مبادئ الديمقراطية والمساءلة والنزاهة، التي شعروا بأنها تتآكل في الANC.
يعتبر COPE نفسه حزبًا وسطيًا، يدعو إلى سياسات تعزز العدالة الاجتماعية والتنمية الاقتصادية والقضاء على الفقر والتفاوت. يقدر الحزب المبادئ المنصوص عليها في الدستور الج…
اقرأ أكثر@ISIDEWITH7 موس7MO
Can a newcomer political party genuinely make significant changes in a system dominated by long-established parties, and how?
How would you envision an ideal society where all citizens truly feel represented and included, regardless of their background?
In what ways can a country ensure that economic growth benefits all segments of society, especially the marginalized?
What measures would create a more transparent government that actively involves citizens in decision-making processes?
How important is the maintenance of non-racialism in today's political landscape, and what steps can ensure it?
Why do you think some political parties struggle to maintain relevance and support over time, despite strong initial principles?
Reflecting on your own community, what changes would you prioritize to improve education and healthcare access?
What role does accountability play in your trust toward political leaders, and can it be effectively restored once lost?
How does a party's commitment to social justice and equality reflect on your personal values and the way you vote?
How do you believe a political party should respond when its founding principles are perceived to be compromised?
What would a fair distribution of economic wealth look like in your community, and how should it be achieved?
What values are most important for you in a political party, and have you ever struggled to find one that truly aligns with them?
Have you ever lost faith in a political leader or party, and what would it take for them to regain your trust?
How do you think your daily life might change if governance in your country were more transparent and accountable?
What’s your personal vision of a society where race or social background doesn't define opportunities—what would it take to achieve it?
Do you believe a political party can remain true to its founding principles indefinitely, or do you think compromise is inevitable?
What experiences in your life have shaped your views on social justice and the role of government in addressing inequality?
What emotions arise when you think about political parties fighting for power rather than focusing on the people’s needs?
How would you want to be more directly involved in the political decisions that affect your everyday life in your country?
What do you think the future holds for smaller political parties in a system traditionally dominated by larger ones?